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Acrylic Render: Breaking Down the Technical and Application Information For You

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Acrylic render has been the preferred option for several years. It is different from ordinary types of render because it comes with an acrylic resin. The resin is a unique plastic that delivers an excellent stain and resistance to the effects of moisture. Additionally, the plastic resin makes the finishing stand up well to cracking and flaking as time goes. The best suppliers will deliver the pre-mixed render in your colour of choice, ready for application to your substrate. You don't have to add water or other solvents to use it. Here are the technical and application details of acrylic render. 

Preparing the Substrate for Acrylic Render

The most important aspect of your rendering project is ensuring that you get a good quality finish on your walls. That begins with a thorough preparation of the surface that will be receiving the acrylic finish. First, the surface should be stable. It should be rigid and stabilised adequately. New cement plasters and mortar finishes should have cured for at least one week, while thick concrete walls cure for as long as four weeks. Secondly, make sure the surface is clean and free of grease, dirt and other impurities that will impair the bonding between the surface and the acrylic render. Fill all irregularities and gaps using special plastering mixes and adhesive mortars.

Takeaways for Application

The best technique for applying your acrylic render is the wet-on-wet technique. Typically, this means that you apply a layer of acrylic render on a wet substrate or another layer of wet render. The method is effective at making seams invisible. It also keeps your textured coat of render from drying before applying the subsequent or final one. Moreover, make sure you get a consistent colour shade. You can ensure this by using acrylic render with the same date of manufacture.

Curing the Acrylic Render Coat

The final stage is the curing of the acrylic render. If this process does not happen properly, all the excellent work done in the initial stages goes to waste. You will need to carry out expensive repairs and corrective procedures. Protect your newly rendered surface from harmful elements such as direct sunlight. Exposure to lots of heat will vaporise the render and keep it from settling on the substrate properly. Additionally, shield it from wind that creates seams as it blows against the surface. Direct precipitation should also be kept at bay or else it will wash your acrylic render away.

Reach out to a professional like one at North Shore Cement & Sand Pty Ltd - for more information about acrylic render. 
